A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that higher indoor humidity levels were associated with lower incidences of respiratory infections among 200 participants . This highlights the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels to support respiratory health . Humidifiers can significantly improve respiratory health by adding moisture to the air, which helps soothe irritated respiratory passages and ease breathing .
According to a study by Public Health Ontario, using humidifiers to maintain indoor humidity levels between 40% and 60% can help relieve respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath associated with bronchitis . This highlights the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels to support respiratory health.
A supporting study titled "Effects of indoor humidity on building occupants' thermal comfort and evidence in terms of climate adaptation" by Kong et al . (2019) found that maintaining appropriate indoor humidity levels can improve thermal comfort and reduce discomfort caused by dry air . The study highlighted that occupants in environments with controlled humidity
levels reported better overall comfort and fewer health issues related to dryness .